Continuous dialogue, strategic approach and openness, big data and development of education programmes. Aleksei Kudrin named the major pillars for the Accounts Chamber during its chairmanship in INTOSAI.
'We contribute to the development of INTOSAI for the purposes of the creation of a more active environment to discuss new challenges that supreme audit institutions face,' Aleksei Kudrin, INTOSAI Chair, said while opening the first general session of INCOSAI XXIII. 'It is essential to create a pool of best practices that the whole society will use to achieve progress. This fully corresponds to the INTOSAI motto "Mutual experience benefits all".’
Aleksei Kudrin also said that new challenges and objectives that supreme audit institutions face require them to seek continuous improvement: 'If we do not begin to employ new approaches more energetically and intensively, our efficiency and relevance will decrease. We will not be able to fulfill our tasks and meet the expectations of the public.'
This is why comprehensive development of INTOSAI educational environment has been formulated as one of the major tasks under the chairmanship of the Accounts Chamber. 'Our fundamental task is to launch an on-line platform where we could upload training seminars, webinars, electronic libraries and data bases, targeted courses that are relevant for our society as a whole,' Aleksei Kudrin said.
The Accounts Chamber also plans to focus particularly on big data. 'Big data is not a new reality anymore,' Mr Kudrin stressed. 'Taking into account amounts of information today, it is not feasible to process them in the old way. This is why today we all start to make relevant efforts, but we cannot all boast about good preparedness in the area. We are in the beginning of a long journey, but it is all the more important to try new approaches, share knowledge and improve together.'
The establishment of sustainable development goal audit is another essential area that the Accounts Chamber wants to focus on. 'After countries have adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and corresponding international obligations, we cannot consider the achievement of national targets without implementation of the SDGs. This is why in 2019 we decided to transform the INTOSAI Working Group on key national indicators to the Working Group on SDGs and key sustainable development indicators. We are certain that joint efforts will help us to develop a truly high-quality and useful guidance on the sustainable development goals audit for all supreme audit institutions,’ Aleksei Kudrin stated.
Aleksei Kudrin outlined the major priorities of the Accounts Chamber as INTOSAI Chair