In the coming days, Moscow will be the focus of attention of auditors from all over the world — XXIII International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) pulling together account chambers of 194 countries, will open in Moscow Manege on Monday.
This year, Russia assumes chairmanship of the organization, and the head of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Aleksei Kudrin will become its President for the next three years.
Participants of the Congress held from 23 to 28 September will discuss the role of auditing in achieving national development goals - a report on this topic is being prepared by the Russian side.
In addition to the panel sessions, the Congress will include mini-strategic sessions of participants on the development of INTOSAI itself: how to increase the organization performance, how to ensure trust between the audit bodies and other authorities.
INTOSAI is a non-governmental organization uniting the Supreme Audit Institutions of the UN countries, founded in 1953. One of the INTOSAI tasks is to analyze the practice of financial control (audit) conducted by the organization members and to develop standards describing the proper state of affairs.
The Congress is held once in three years, it is the supreme body of the organization. The upcoming Congress will be attended by delegations from about 170 INTOSAI member countries, economists, experts in public administration and social sphere, representatives of the UN, the World Bank, OECD and others.
PRIME: International Congress of Supreme Audit Institutions (INCOSAI) opens in Moscow