On June 22, 2020, SAI of Russia held the first virtual meeting of SCEI Expert Group which is focused on Strategic role of SAIs in addressing challenges posed by COVID-19 pandemic. This new format of cooperation was established within INTOSAI Supervisory Committee on Emerging Issues, chaired by SAI of Russia.
The initiative was widely supported and the Heads of SAIs of Austria, Chile, Spain, USA and UAE participated in the first meeting, where they shared their thoughts and experiences on “Priorities of SAIs in the COVID-19 pandemic: audit themes, methods and techniques”. The event gathered around 200 representatives from 69 SAIs.
The discussions highlighted such aspects of SAI activities during the coronavirus outbreak as the assessment of public procurement and related corruption risks; auditing pandemic responses and challenges faced at the peak of the crisis. Also, plans for upcoming audits were discussed.
The summary of the event, as well as all the presentations are available on the XXIII INCOSAI web-site in the “Documents” section. You can watch the full version of the webinar on the Youtube channel of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.
Next SCEI Expert Group webinar will be dedicated to the topic “Remote audit, technological advances, challenges and solutions”. The exact date will be announced shortly.
If you have something to share within this topic and you would like to contribute to the webinar, please send us your suggestions scei@ach.gov.ru.
The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation held the first virtual meeting of SCEI Expert Group on Covid-19